Black Country Blues, Rock & Jazz

Skidders, aka Steve Skidmore, was born in the Black Country in the middle of England. Listen to his eclectic blues, rock & jazz and also the sweet side of his acoustic guitar compositions.

He can't sing, but he can play the guitar!

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Skidders? Who on earth is Skidders?

Skidders, aka Steve Skidmore, has played guitar for many years and seen many changes in both music and music technology. Read his journey from a Beatles mad youngster through to the first time he played the Cavern in Liverpool and beyond.

Proud Smethwickian in the Black Country


All the Singles, EPs & Albums

One things you can't say Skidders isn't - and that's eclectic. Check out the diversity of published music and eclectic collaborations.

"Never stay still - never be satisfied"

  • “‘Aunty Bulgaria‘ from the prolific UK-based guitarist/writer Skidders is a superb instrumentally compelling single from an underground artist who has total respect from his peers. There is so much to like here about the intricate sound here, that seems to blast a ray of sunshine out from the moody clouds that have been so prevalent lately.”. A&R Factory (April 22, 2022)
  • “Looking forward to the album Steve. If it's anything like the last one it will be a winner.”. Kevin Rowland, Dexys (May 2, 2021)
  • “Congratulations Skidders on your album Friends & Family. What a lovely way to remember those past and present that you love”. Chris Kamara, Football Pundit (May 4, 2021)
  • “I'm not ashamed to say, I was doing some air guitar with that one. That boy can play guitar!”. Brody Swain, BBC CWR (Aug 28, 2015)
  • “Skidderslectric – a thrilling, rocking good time with no regard for boundaries of genre”. Rick Jamm, Jamsphere (Jun 30, 2015)
  • “If anything, Skidderslectric teaches us one thing about Skidders. The man can’t sing. The man can play. What a revelation!”. Jeena Johnson, SoundLooks (Jun 30, 2015)
  • “Skidderslectric – complete with heavy, creative guitar playing”. Independent Music News 24 (Jun 30, 2015)
  • “Skidderslectric seems to fit Skidders’ frantic guitar runs, his sonic bends, his unique phrasing, and his sweet-hot tone like a glove”. Tunedloud! (Jun 30, 2015)
  • “83% Total Score by PROS - great blues guitar playing!”. Red Headed Flea (Jun 27, 2015)
  • “Press Release - "Skidders Goes Electric On Stunning Blues Inspired Album". mi2n, Music Industry News Network (Jun 21, 2015)
  • “Skidders Goes Electric on Stunning New Album. The track O’Larso is a great example of Skidders versatility and for lovers of raunchy blues/rock the album is a treat.” Aurovine, Aurovine Blog (Mar 25, 2015)
  • “Dear Steve, Just to say thanks very much for sending copies of the Baggies single. Well done mate - really liked it.”. Adrian Chiles, Broadcaster and Writer - BBC, Personal letter (Apr 04, 2008)
  • “Proving he was far from clapped out, Skidders was clapped off the stage after an enjoyable set of acoustic Clapton covers.”. Martin Winch - BBC Presenter, BBC Coventry & Warwickshire (Mar 31, 2010)

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