Black Country Blues, Rock & Jazz
Skidders, aka Steve Skidmore, was born in the Black Country in the middle of England. Listen to his eclectic blues, rock & jazz and also the sweet side of his acoustic guitar compositions.
He can't sing, but he can play the guitar!
Skidders? Who on earth is Skidders?
Skidders, aka Steve Skidmore, has played guitar for many years and seen many changes in both music and music technology. Read his journey from a Beatles mad youngster through to the first time he played the Cavern in Liverpool and beyond.
Proud Smethwickian in the Black Country
All the Singles, EPs & Albums
One things you can't say Skidders isn't - and that's eclectic. Check out the diversity of published music and eclectic collaborations.
"Never stay still - never be satisfied"